1. 相变复合材料多尺度表征与建模
2. 相变复合材料多场耦合多尺度热/力学仿真模拟
3. 结构/功能一体化相变复合材料设计与仿真模拟
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,适用于低温生态储粮的多级多尺度水泥基相变储能复合材料控温和承载性能协同优化研究,2021/01-2024/12,参与
[2] 河南省重点研发与推广专项(省科技攻关项目),222102320201,面上碳中和需求的相变储能建筑墙体结构关键技术研究,2022-2024,主持
[3] 河南省重点研发与推广专项(省科技攻关项目),232102230030,相变储能混凝土材料多尺度建模及热力学性能表征,2023-2025,主持
[1] Wang, Hui*; Hou, Feng; Chang, Chao; Experimental and computational modeling of thermal conductivity of cementitious syntactic foams filled with hollow glass microspheres, Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 265: 120739 (TOP 期刊,中科院一区)
[2] Hou, Feng; Xiao, Si hang; Wang, Hui* ; Mechanical properties characterization and zero Poisson's ratio design for perforated auxetic metamaterial by computational homogenized method, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 29(2021):7640-7651 (中科院二区)
[3] Hou, Feng; Wang, Hui* ; New Equivalent Thermal Conductivity Model for Size-De pendent Convection-Driven Melting of Spherically Encapsulated Phase Change Material, Materials, 2021, 14(16): 4752 (中科院三区)
[4] Hou Feng, Zhao Xin Juan, Wang Hui*; Microstructure-guided computational model for predicting effective thermal conductivity of cementitious composites filled with phase change particles[J]. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2022, 38: 102339.(中科院二区)
[5] Bian Zhen, Hou Feng*, Wang Hui*, Bai Yang, Dong Qin xi. Experimental and numerical investigations of enhanced thermal energy storage performance for foam/paraffin composite under different heating conditions. Journal of Energy Storage. 2022;55: 105506. (TOP期刊,中科院二区)
[6] Bian Zhen, Hou Feng, Wang Hui*. Composited phase change material with hierarchical metal foam for efficient thermal energy management. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2023; 236:121745. (中科院一区,TOP期刊)
[7] Bian Zhen, Hou Feng, Wang Hui*. Numerical analysis on the effect of graded porosity in closed-cell metal foams/PCM composites. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. 2024;55: 104145. (中科院二区,TOP期刊)
[8] Liu Hongyuan, Hou Feng, Li Ang, Lei Yong peng, Wang Hui. High-efficient and reversible intelligent design for perforated auxetic metamaterials with peanut-shaped pores[J].International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design,2023, 19 (3): 553-566. (中科院三区)
[1] 2021年7月.山东日照: 第十八届北方七省市区力学学会学术会议.报告题目:空心钢球封装的相变材料水泥基复合材料等效导热系数的实验与计算研究
[2] 2023年7月.河北承德: 第十九届北方七省市区力学学会学术会议.报告题目:相变水泥试件传热特性试验和数值模拟研究
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